
Workshop on machine-readable corpora of spoken interaction from a conversation analytic perspective

CHORD talk in interaction

The CHORD-talk-in-interaction project organised its second workshop at the University of Basel from December 7-8, 2023, with the option to attend virtually via Zoom. This hybrid event addressed design, construction and use of data banks of interactional corpora, which were discussed from a conversation analytic perspective

Lorenza Mondada, professor of French Linguistics at Basel University and member of CHORD-talk-in-interaction, invited Arnulf Deppermann, Henrike Helmer and Silke Reineke from the Leibniz Institute for the German Language (IDS) to talk about the design and application of large machine-readable corpora of spoken interaction. The guest speakers drew on the IDS corpus FOLK (Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus gesprochenes Deutsch / Research and Teaching Corpus of Spoken German) to discuss and illustrate the challenges of creating and using such corpora. There was also an open discussion on the possibilities and limitations of open research data, allowing the participants to exchange views on current trends towards sharing research data and the conditions under which they can be made available to the scientific community.

For details please click here.